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24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the words of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from the state of South Carolina, speaking on Face the Nation on CBS last Sunday. He explained why we can't afford to allow Russia to prevail in Ukraine.Transcription / NotesUKRAINE IS A GOLDMINEHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the words of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from the state of South Carolina, speaking on Face the Nation on CBS last Sunday. He said that we can't afford to allow Russia to prevail in Ukraine because then Russia would have access to Ukraine's vast mineral wealth and it would share it with China, so it would be better if it were available only to the U.S. and its allies.I am grateful to the senator for finally saying out loud and in public for the whole world to see and hear the reason the United States is fueling the war in Ukraine and seems to be tryin...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about how the world seems to be arming up for global war which now appears more and more likely and less avoidable.Transcription / NotesPREPARING FOR GLOBAL WARHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about how the world seems to be arming up for global war which now appears more and more likely and less and less avoidable. The apparently unstoppable movement toward world war is very reminiscent of the start of World War I as the world celebrates the 110th anniversary of the start of World War I this August.Once again, I find myself talking about war which is ongoing and threatening to spread out of control. The U.S. in particular seems intent on making the war in Ukraine into a global war against Russia and Russia is lining up its partners who are willing to sign on to resist the financial control of the U.S. and its Western allies. Old friends like Thailand and...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle argues that the one who enables the dangerous animal to walk out of his cage at the zoo is more responsible for the animal's actions than the animal.Transcription / NotesWHO LEFT THE ZOO UNLOCKED?Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I take a brief break from war today, at least from foreign wars, and talk about the war going on right here in America. I will be talking about horrible subjects, such as murder, torture, and rape of children. My argument is that the one who enables the dangerous animal to walk out of his cage at the zoo is more responsible for the animal's actions than the animal is.Animals live and survive by instinct unlike humans who have souls and self-awareness. The rattlesnake doesn't want to strike you but if he feels threatened, he will strike. The tiger and the leopard kill the deer and the antelope, not because they hate them, but because they are their food a...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today.Transcription / NotesWHO GOVERNS AMERICA?Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking today about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today, and since this is Independence Day weekend, I will be mercifully brief.Yes, it's 4th of July weekend here in America when most people have 4 days off from work, but this lonely podcaster sits here on the 16th floor of Memphis, Tennessee to bring you a few words from his heart. I suppose that everyone saw the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump a few nights ago. If you didn't see it, you undoubtedly know what happened, but perhaps you are not as terrified as I am. In one sense it was a disaster of epic proportions and in another sense, it was just eye opening and mind boggling.It was a disaster in that the whole world could se...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the ordeal of Julian Assange and what his case tells us about what it means to be a real journalist in today's world.Transcription / NotesTHE DARK SECRETS OF WARHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the ordeal of Julian Assange but also what his case tells us about what it means to be a real journalist in today's world. In essence his case tells us that the truth no longer sets us free and telling the truth has become a crime.Before we get into the matter of Assange perhaps a little background is in order. A free press is vitally important to American freedom and if I can convey nothing else to you today it is that the press, and by that, I mean real, genuine, journalism is there to inform the people of what their government is doing. Those in government should be looking out for and expecting the press to expose their works of darkness, if they ha...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle offers his opinion on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.Transcription / NotesMALICE OR JUST MASSIVE INCOMPETANCEHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday, the 19th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. Like everyone else, I now offer my opinion on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It's tempting to say we must wait for the investigation before we speculate on what happened, but I suspect that we know as much about what really happened as we ever will. JFK, RFK, MLK, and many others around the world are evidence of that.This story, on the surface, is preposterous and it makes no sense at all. The full resources of the most powerful empire in world history at its disposal and it still cannot protect one man. The United States has 17 intelligence services all of which are supposed to investigate, observe and provide information to the decision-making people in charge. Normally, that would be the president but right n...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the resignation of the Director of the Secret Service, the withdrawal of Joe Biden from the presidential campaign, but especially what it all says about America today.Transcription / NotesDEMOCRACY, REPUBLIC, OR OLIGARCHYHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 26th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I be talking about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the continuing saga surrounding it including the resignation of the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, the withdrawal of Joe Biden from the presidential campaign but especially what it all says about America today.I am going to assume that you know the difference between democracy and republic and that the United States Constitution makes this nation a republic. Just to reiterate something you already know democracy is government by the will of the majority but republic is government by the el...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the real meaning of the Paris Olympics.Transcript / NotesBEHOLD A PALE HORSEHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 2nd day of August in the year of our Lord 2024.I will be talking about the Paris Olympics and explaining to you why I can't watch the greatest spectacle in sports anymore, at least not this Olympics. Look at me, the Paris Olympic Committee says, look upon my gross ugliness both inner and outer. Look upon the banal ugliness of my subculture of tiresome neurotics who cannot seem to drudge up from their souls one single beautiful thing so they must tear down, destroy, smudge in their filth and dirt everything that is beautiful, creative and without malice.As a backdrop to this Report, let me tell you some of the things going on with the 2024 Olympic Games. This is France so you know the sports and the athletes cannot just stand for themselves. No, in France there has to be an ideological statement thus the op...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the Secret Service and its recent series of abject failures to perform its function even modestly let alone in the fashion we have come to expect from that vaunted agency.Transcription / NotesTHE SECRET SERVICE'S FAILURE OF IMAGINATIONHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 9th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the Secret Service and its recent series of abject failures to perform its function even modestly let alone in the fashion we have come to expect from that vaunted agency.I decided to resist my natural instinct to devote all my attention to the coming war in the Middle East which I predict the United States will find it impossible to resist and instead devote my attention to something just about as dangerous right here at home. Yes indeed, the Secret Service is the rock of the United States Government and is filled with the most highly trained and dedicated agents in all of gover...

24 AUG, 2024

Darrell Castle talks about former member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, and how she has been investigated, followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government's new "Quiet Skies" program.TERRORIST OR FREEDOM FIGHTERHello, this is Darrell Castle with today's Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about former member of congress Tulsi Gabbard and how she has been investigated and followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government's new "Quiet Skies" program.Yes, it seems that Tulsi has upset all the wrong people or all the right people depending on your point of view, and she has been placed on what amounts to a dangerous terrorist watch list under the Quit Skies program. She has been and is being tracked by government agents in a program that reminds one of the surveillance regimes of the Soviet Union or perhaps East Germany before the Soviet breakup.This all ...

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